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Entry 13: checking in

hey everybody! stopping by once again to assure you that I am still alive, and I even posted some art in the gallery! yay!

art school has been working me super hard this semester, I've got a class basically every day of the week (minus the weekends, of course.) and it is extremely tiring.
I'm doing my best to balance it all, though, and I haven't dropped any plates yet. the downside, of course, is that I'm busy as hell!!

on top of that, I caught covid in early august and I think because of it I'm intolerant to both lactose and garlic. which really sucks, because I love both of those!! so I'm in the middle of avoiding those things for a month to see if whatever my bodies problem is chills the fuck out. hopefully it's a temporary thing, because I don't think I can give up either of those. also, related tangent here, but man you never really realize how many things have some form of garlic or cheese in them until you're trying to avoid it for a month, huh. I fully get it, they rule and I agree with the descision to put them in literally everything, but it makes shopping for things really difficult.. I went shopping for dairy free things before realizing garlic was also a problem and so I accidentally stocked up on a bunch on instant ramen that now haunts my pantry. RIP.

In better news, though, I'm hopefully gonna be doing dnd with friends again soon! I went a hot minute without playing for a few years, so I'm excited to get back into it, and actually fill out a character sheet that I'll use, instead of just filling them out because I'm some weirdo that really enjoys the motions of filling out a character sheet. which I am, but that's not important.

Entry Date 10/20/24