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Entry 4: Gambling with the fates

I'm pretty bad about saving my work. It's not that I don't want to, it's just a bunch of extra steps that are hard for my brain to rationalize doing, (which is only encouraged by clip studio paints autosave feature, which means even if I quit the program my works get saved in the cloud. Useful! No consequences for force quitting csp without saving! I dread the day it doesn't work!)

What that means is that I will very regularly have a million open works stacked up in my drawing app that have never been saved. This horrifies everyone who hears about it, including my brother, who is counting on me to finish and not lose a pretty hefty animation file for [SECRET]

(Fun fact, I animated a decent chunk of [SECRET] and then closed csp to restart my computer a few seconds before I even thought to save any of it. Thank god for csp's autosave, and thank god for my brother/director, who did not justifiably rip my spine out mortal kombat style as soon as he heard, but instead had a heart attack. What a guy!)

So I've put up a sticky note to try and remind me to save my shit when I get the chance. Hope it helps.

Oh, I've also been trying out not being on social media as much. As of today, I haven't checked in on tumblr for like, a week! It's driving me crazy, because I have no idea what's going on while i'm gone. But I made the descision to not use tumblr for at least two weeks in order to try and focus more on making things, and I'm going to stick to it! Admittedly, I haven't gotten a lot done... but I have faith! I will get work done!

If I don't get this thing I'm animating done by the end of my social media exile, I'm not letting myself go back to tumblr until it IS done! If anyone is reading this, (hi! Thank you.) if you have a tumblr and you see me posting on tumblr after next monday, bother me! hold me accountable! follow my art blog and reblog everything I post with glowing praise! (you don't have to do that last one.)

thank you, goodnight!

Entry Date 1/16/23