Gather 'round, children, and let me tell you of the time when I was in high school and decided to make a webcomic. Like CMYK noir, I decided to try and improvise it, making things up as I go along. unfortunately, I ended up getting bored and losing steam before dumping it and switching to the other thing I barely update. Looking back, the problem was that I was making it up as I went while also getting more ambitious with the art as I went, thus upgrading it from a shitpost to structureless effort.
tldr: it all went downhill when I stopped drawing it with my mouse
I do still hold a fondness for the characters and setting, so maybe one day I'll return to Dunk and Darque and give them an actual adventure to go on. Until then I'm giving them a home on my website since their original home, my twitter, was deleted when I realized that I really hated that website.